
Best Friends fpr Ever

Swati Sharma

HYDERABAD: They lived in the same neighbourhood and kept running into each other. “Sudheer and I were from the same neighborhood. I was in my 12th grade when I first met him. It all started with a meeting at a house party in the colony. We met several times after that and eventually became good friends,” says Usha.

Love Vibes

The two love everything about each other and that is why they are caught in the magical web of love. They spend all  their time together, and know what the other is thinking.

Ask Usha what she likes most about Sudheer, she says, “He has so many qualities. I adore his calmness. He also has a great sense of humour and he would do anything for me. To find someone who only wants to see you happy, even if it means he doesn’t get to do what he wants, is amazing. He is such a good person and I know how lucky I am to have him as a husband.” 

Sudheer shares, “I can count on one hand the number of times I have seen her down. She is totally fearless and simply doesn’t have the capacity to worry about anything. She is always learning -- reading books and listening to podcasts. She loves to do things with me. If I take up a hobby, she takes it up too. If I like a certain kind of food or music, she learns to like it. She is tender and compassionate.”

Dil Se Re...

They liked each other right from the day they first met – started as friends and shortly their friendship turned romantic and culminated a lifelong bonding. “Love, like in movies did not happen at the first sight. We started our beautiful journey as good friends and went on to understand each other’s likes and dislikes,” says Usha.   

Within five months of knowing each other, one day when they were driving back home after a dinner with a few friends the whirlwind romance happened. “One of Sudheer’s friends, a great fan of AR Rahman played the song Dil se re and Sudheer started singing softly into my ear. That day I had a strange feeling but a very different one. At that moment I felt I was in love with him,” says Usha.

After waiting for almost one year, Sudheer put his heart on the line and told Usha, “You know when I first realised I was in love with you?” And he then proceeded to tell her the story about the night he sang Dil se re to her.

“He looked into my eyes while he had his arm around me and realised at that exact moment, he was in love with me. Still together almost 10 years later, and he drives me nuts but I wouldn’t trade him for the world,” she says.

Even happy couples fight but in a way that makes the relationship stronger. “Coincidentally both of us are very clam and get along very well. Even if we have fights or disagreements it wouldn’t last for more than a day,” says the ever smiling Usha.

Love Hangover

The couple has a five-year-old daughter Kruthika. For them marriage is a union for life and they both relish and cherish their union. “Sudheer has been my best friend for several years. I still feel that way today, and that’s a pretty great feeling to have for the rest of my life. You share household chores. You have someone to cuddle you after a scary dream,” says Usha.

Being married is not easy. “Marriage implies a lot of dedication and commitment which doesn’t come easily. It needs a conscious effort of the mind and body,” she advises.

“For us every day is a new beginning therefore a new learning which we always welcome with a positive energy,” adds Usha, a clinical research professional, gymnast, swimmer and also a sports lover.