
Being Caffeinated

Express News Service

HYDERABAD: In the recent times, with the rise of cafe culture in India words like ‘capuccino’ ,‘tall latte’ ‘machiato’ have all become a part of urban vocabulary and terms that every coffee lover swears by.

However, even the greatest coffee enthusiasts would have a hard time when it comes to using the ‘french press’ or telling the difference between two coffee powders with different percentage of chicory. India’s largest coffee chain ‘Cafe Coffee Day’ has taken a fun measure to share the knowledge and art of coffee making with its customers.

CCD at Film Nagar launched a month-long Coffee Festival on Tuesday.

Coffee and tea drinking is part of our daily lifestyle and the requests we receive to learn this art is testimony to this trend. These beverages, especially coffee, is at the centre of several conversations be it in cafes or at home. The coffee festivals are our attempt to help consumers indulge in these fine beverages and take back a part of the cafe experience home with them.” said Md.Kaleem the assistant manager, summarising the idea behind the event.

Kaleem, coffee evangelist of cafe chain not only shared his knowledge on the magic beverage but also demonstrated a few tips and tricks about brewing a perfect cup of coffee. He explained the techniques of using different equipments for preparing different kinds of coffee. Workings of different apparatus like a “french press’ or a ‘stovetop espresso’ were also demonstrated.

The event was an interactive affair with people trying to make ‘the perfect cuppa’.