
Galla Jayadev Hurt in Bike Accident

Express News Service

HYDERABAD: Guntur MP Galla Jayadev met with an accident while test driving a high-end bike and has been admitted at Apollo Hospital in the city, where his condition is learnt to be stable.

Though the hospital authorities remained tight-lipped about nature of injuries, a part of his spine is learnt to impacted in the accident. Also, he has received injuries on hands, and legs.

On Sunday afternoon, Jayadev visited a bike showroom in Jubilee Hills to buy a bike for his son. To check the bike, he wore a helmet and went on a test drive with his son as pillion rider.

During the ride, he lost control of the bike and skidded and was  immediately rushed to the hospital.

Many TDP leaders visited him at the hospital on Monday and more are likely to meet him on Tuesday.