
Cannon Found in Hyderabad

Express News Service

HYDERABAD: A seven-feet long cannon, expected to be from Nizam Era, was found at Hussaiani Alam, Hyderabad, during demolition works at an old home in Hussaini Alam on Saturday early hours .

An earth mover was digging the ground at the residential plot when the Cannon was unearthed. However , the rusted cannon was left out in open as no government official visited the place to find details of take it to a safe place.

Despite the finding being in news from Saturday morning, officials from Telangana Archeology and Museums Department said that they did not receive any information about it.

Children in the locality played with the piece which could hold archeology value, They rubbed the surface of the cannon with stones, hit it with rocks and sticks.  With March 12 &13 being two consecutive holidays (Second Saturday and Sunday), the Telangana Archeology and Museums department officials said they will visit the site on Monday.