
The magical world of Gond art

Palak Dubey

HYDERABAD: The folk art done by the tribes belonging to Central India is called Gond art. Kalakriti Art Gallery in its ongoing show has brought forth a set of works done by four artists who belong to the Gond community. These artists manifest a strong artistic foundation that reflects the rich ethos of the tradition.

The effervescence and the simplicity of recreating surroundings gets exemplified in all tribal/folk art forms. Often considered as immensely decorative and illustrative nonetheless these traditions have the energy and strength to be loved for their freshness and can stand strong and at par with the high art forms/streams of expression. These four artists exemplify a deep connection and regard for Gond art which naturally becomes an indispensable part of their style and gives them a strong foundation to explore individual nuances and anecdotes with varied visual elements.

Like the other folk traditions of painting these Gond artists, too, have sought inspiration for their art from their immediate surroundings. The flora, fauna, local festivals as well as mundane activities get celebrated in their works. The paintings done by these artists explore and accentuate the relation of human beings with nature, similar paintings in earlier days were believed to work as an antidote or repellent for diminishing evil energies. This Adivasi art form also extends its periphery into highly imaginative narratives and surreal visual interpretations, which can be experienced through the present set of works. Mayank Kumar Shyam works are in symmetrical style, where a single huge form reigns over the picture surface. The intricate rendering of the elements with the help of dots and lines, enlivens the composition. Sometimes the central figure seems to reinstate the form of an unknown winged insect. In yet another work the central form represents a human figure that resonates the stance and form similar to Tantric art tradition.

The works by Ram Singh Urveti, bring forth the natural elements - the flora and fauna through simplified yet very effervescent and lively compositions. The works reinstate the core essence of Gond style, the compositions are rendered in a flamboyant colour palette which are used in patterns to form varied natural elements.

Artist Saroj Venkat Shyam recreates the Indian gods and goddesses in a novel, creative and highly ornamental connotation. The intricate textural quality grants the works a kind of bubbly, momentum.

On the other hand, Venkat Raman Singh creates a space that is modern and contemporary in its strengths and yet also retains its connections with the traditional Gond art. The artist chooses to create allegorical compositions that imbibe multiple metaphors and symbolic elements picked up from the modern lifestyles.The traditional Gond art was practised with the use of natural colours obtained from the flora, soil and burnt wood.

These contemporary artists thankfully have retained the stylistic effervescence of the traditional Gond style.

The exhibition will be on till September 27.