
GMR going green with new measures

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HYDERABAD: In line with the Government of India’s ratification of Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the Ozone Layer in 1992, and its commitment to phase out the Ozone-depleting HCFCs (Hydrochlorofluorocarbons) from India, GMR Hyderabad International Airport Ltd. (GHIAL) which operates Rajiv Gandhi International Airport (RGIA), Hyderabad is migrating its entire conventional AC units to those with Ozone safe AC units across the offices of the airport. RGIA which has more than 300 AC units across the office spaces is moving from conventional AC units using R22 gas harmful for Ozone layer to Ozone safe R410 gas compliant AC units. GHIAL has completed more than 80% of its work by converting more than 240 split air Conditioners. Completion of the rest is underway.

All newly converted ACs at Hyderabad Airport are those of inverter technology, which in itself has proven energy efficiency capabilities contributing towards environment protection and reduction of Green House Gases (GHGs). 

Conventional air conditioners regulate temperature by using a compressor that is periodically either working at maximum capacity or switched off entirely. In case of an inverter type AC, the unit controls the speed of the compressor motor to drive variable refrigerant flow in an air conditioning system to regulate the conditioned-space temperature. The new inverter based AC at Hyderabad Airport has intelligent and intuitive system in place which has activity sensor for AC requirement. The system adjusts airflow based on occupancy direction.