
The intelligent clown

Nishad Neelambaran

HYDERABAD: People have always appreciated intelligence and humour. How about a combination of both? Well, from the fame of East India Comedy, Azeem Banatwalla, is one such comedian who has brought in the genre of intelligent comedy in the limelight in India comic fraternity.

The 27-year-old Mumbai-based comedian will be in the city for a performance this Sunday. Cometh The Hour will be hosted by Funny Side Up at Bhaskara Auditorium from 6 pm onwards. More about him and his upcoming show.    

When did you foray into stand-up comedy?

I’ve been doing stand-up for almost six years now. I started in 2011.
What attracted you to perform on the stages?

Watching guys like Eddie Izzard and Robin Williams. I had crazy ideas in my head, but having people actually laugh at them seemed like fun.

Who is your inspiration when it comes to stand-up and why?

As a performer, it has to be Eddie Izzard. He’s pretty much the reason I started doing this. I’ve watched all of his specials a minimum of six times and it never gets old. That was my aim. To create something that was just as timeless.

What else do you do?

I used to be a Features Writer at National Geographic Traveller, but I quit my job three years ago. Now, I work full time with East India Comedy, working on sketches, digital content, branded content, and of course, my own shows.

According to you what changes should be done to encourage more people into stand up across the globe?

Nothing, really. We’ve got Donald Trump as President. We’ve got radical terrorists in Syria, and we’ve got Britain’s economy falling to pieces. If that doesn’t make people want speak their minds, nothing will.

What will you be performing on this time?

It’s a show I’m incredibly proud of, and the best one I’ve written. It covers everything that annoys me and the average Indian – driving, millennials, grandparents, weddings and of course, my own marital life.