
Telangana boy cracks AIIMS, shows hard work, not coaching, is key to success

Sadaf Aman

HYDERABAD: B Dinesh, hailing from Kanneboinagudem village, in Warangal district proved that spending thousands of rupees on private coaching centres is not necessary to crack coveted entrance exams. Dinesh scored a whopping 94.97 percentile in the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) for pursuing MBBS examination and secured All India Rank of 55 in the exam in which the fight is on only 700 seats for medical aspirants from across the country. 

Studying in a government educational institution and belonging to a socioeconomically backward family were no impediments for Dinesh, who belongs to Lambada community and whose father drives an auto. For him, self-study was key to success. 

“I was confident of cracking the examination because I knew I had performed well. In fact, I had hoped for a rank in 40s but 55 is not bad either. I did not do any special preparation for AIIMS. Along with the prescribed books, I diligently solved previous years AIIMS test papers every day. Self-study worked for me,” said Dinesh. 

“Every day I would wake up at five in the morning and sleep at 11:30 at night. My efforts have paid off. I am happy. I want to become a neurosurgeon,” he added.  Dinesh had no idea regarding existence of AIIMS until his mentors at the Telangana Tribal Welfare IIT Study Centre run by the Telangana Tribal Welfare Residential Educational Institutions (TTWREI) Society insisted that he prepare for it and give the exam.

Dinesh said that if the syllabus followed at his institute would have been CBSE istead of state board then he would have secured a higher rank.

“I could attempt only 125 questions because the others were not from the syllabus we follow. For this reason, I feel junior colleges should include CBSE syllabus too. If I had little more idea, I would have scored even better,” he said.As a word of inspiration to those belonging to the socioeconomic background as him, Dinesh says, “Do not be afraid of giving the national level exams like NEET or AIIMS. You have the capability to crack them.”