
Bus services stopped: People have a tough time

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HYDERABAD: With Saturday rains causing flood-like situation in parts of Jalpally, residents of low lying bastis in the area are unable to step outside their houses. With the main road connected to the bastis lying submerged in inundated water, the residents say, the services of 85 J — the only bus which helps them commute to the main city — lies suspended since a week.

Most of the families in rural Jalpally cannot afford a vehicle, hence the bus is their lifeline. A resident Y Narsimha, said, “After last Monday rains, we all have been coping with inundation and were unable to move outside Jalpally due to lack of transport. And the rains in last two days have worsened our situation. Our surroundings and the main road are submerged in water.”

The basti residents were horrified to see the rainwater mixed with sewage entering their houses after Saturday downpour. Krishna Reddy, former Sarpanch of Jalpally said, “The rains in the last week have become a curse for the residents.

Imagine a situation when several family members are stranded in one little room because they have no means to get outside an inundated area.”  Talking about his experience when he walked through parts of Jalpally to know the severity of the situation of inundation on Sunday, he said, “I found the entire suburb drowned in water up to at least five feet. The only bus in the area being nowhere in sight has further diminished their hopes.”