
Hyderabad: Gang held with antique horse idol

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HYDERABAD: The Task Force sleuths on Friday arrested a 6-member gang for trying to sell an antique panchaloha horse idol, weighing 40 kg. The arrested persons are B Ramesh,  J Jagdishwarya, B Sundar Goud,  B Rukesh, Sri Hari and A Ravi.  

Another accused is absconding.  According to Task Force sleuths,  Ramesh and others got the antique idol from two persons in Hampi of Karnataka,  who offered a huge commission of  Rs 2.5 lakh to them to sell it to customers.

Ramesh and his friends brought the idol to Hyderabad and wanted to sell it for Rs 2 crore and share the profits.  On a tip-off, the task Force sleuths nabbed them when they were discussing a deal. They seized the idol and handed over the accused to Langer houz police for further action.