
Lemon water: the elixir for weight loss


HYDERABAD: Are you planning to lose weight? Research shows that drinking a sufficient amount of water each day plays an essential role in losing the extra pounds. Moreover, adding lemon to that water can make it even more powerful for burning fat. With the summer setting in, hydration becomes all the more necessary. Lemon water can be a game changer for your weight loss goals. The standard recommendation for water consumption is eight glasses of water a day. Lemon not only adds flavour to your water for taste, but also makes your weight loss endeavour easier. Be sure not to mix in any sweeteners or sugar or you will lose the amazing benefits.

Lemon water is a great addition to your daily exercise and healthy eating routine. You can drink it a room temperature, warm, or ice cold. Warm or room temperature water is more quickly absorbed, but ice cold water can get your metabolism burning more calories as it warms up in your body. Increasing water intake is the cheapest, healthiest and easiest change you can make to rev up your weight loss.

Eight benefits of lemon water for weight loss:
 Drinking more lemon water will help your body release stored fluid and allow you to start losing weight faster
 Lemon is rich in essential vitamins, especially Vitamin C, that repair damaged cells and support healthy skin.
 Lemon water promotes a stronger, healthier immune system
 Lemon water pushes toxins out so your bodily systems can function better.
 Lemon and water help clear the body of built-up gunk for better blood circulation
 Lemon water helps improve the functioning of your digestive system
 Lemon water helps the body to absorb essential nutrients like calcium that will lead to stronger and healthier bones
 The acid in the lemon juice helps tear apart the fats stored in your body, preparing them for easier elimination or absorption.
There are a plethora of benefits for adding lemon water to your weight loss tools. It is cheap, all natural, and easy to use. So before you spend your hard-earned money on another diet plan, try this first!

Dinnaz, fitness expert