
Should men and women train differently?


Over the last two decades we have seen several changes in trends with workouts. Over the years, I have seen workout forms like aerobics, kick boxing, Zumba, HIIT, prawl, weight training, good old running, aqua exercise and much more. These have all evolved over the years because people want a change. They get bored with one form of exercise and they feel the need to add on another activity. However
the base of an exercise routine remains the same. It should be a combination of cardio, strength and flexibility, the three main components of a well-balanced workout. It really does not matter which form of exercise you are doing. It is very important that you exercise every single day incorporating the three components of fitness.

So should men and women train differently? The answer is NO. However, men and women are different genetically. Men have more muscular strength. Women have a different shape of their pelvis. Women have more flexible joints than men and men have more testosterone and women have more estrogen.

Weight training
Lets take an example of strength/weight training in a gym.While the workouts can remain the same, the results produced could be different. Women need to be careful while lifting heavy weights. The shape of the lumbar spine for women is a bit more curvy which could result in a injury if the exercise is not performed accurately. In the strength room, men and women need not compete with each other as each gender performs the exercise differently resulting in varied changes. So while the exercise itself can be the same for both, the weights could vary depending on the gender.

Let’s take the example of kick boxing. While both genders can participate in the activity, women again need to be careful as their joints are a bit more flexible and kick boxing requires a lot of elbow, knee and hip joint movement. A skilled coach will deliver the results in a safe and effective manner. Coming to dance aerobics, Zumba, Bollywood dance and other forms of dance-based aerobics activity, there need not be any differentiation in the two genders as these are way safer movements on the joints and muscles.

Core muscles
Let’s move on to the next muscle group the core muscles. The structure of the core is slightly different for men and women because of the shape of the pelvis. However, there should be no difference in the way they train because both genders will benefit hugely not only from the traditional core exercises such as crunches and leg raises, but when they incorporate more pelvic floor exercises in their routines, it will help both genders from getting injured as the core is the power horse of the body for both men and women.

Now coming to running, walking , jogging, swimming , cycling and any such outdoor sports , there need not be any difference in the way men and women train. However, I strongly recommend that they need not compete with each other. Exercise is meant to be fun and doing it together with someone from the opposite sex can be even more exciting and motivating.
The bottom line is men and women should exercise and move their bodies every day.