
Fraud escort services now on social media

Aihik Sur

HYDERABAD: Groups that claim to run prostitution rackets and provide similar services are taking the help of social media applications including, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to attract potential “customers”. However, police claim that it is a common modus operandi for fraudsters to extort money from people who fall into their trap.

One such account called, ‘Hyderabad Escorts, Natasha Roy Hyderabad Escort’ has over 3,357 followers on Twitter, and also has its presence on other social media websites such as Tumblr. The page has various posts with images of women and with corresponding text like, “If looking for escorts in Hyderabad, please call.”

When these images were reverse searched on web search engines, the same pictures were being used by other websites claiming to offer similar “services”. This revealed that not only were the images were fake, but the said website’s administrators could also possibly be running other such websites as well.

The website also displays a phone number. When Express contacted the number, posing as a possible client, a man surprisingly responded in fluent Hindi, while noting the requirements. Through the course of the conversation, the unidentified man “agreed” to send a woman for two hours, to a star hotel in exchange of Rs 15,000, in cash.

When apprised of the matter, Cyber Crime Additional DCP, KCS Raghuvir said that these (administrators of the website) were fraudsters looking to skim money off of people. “These groups are usually run from places like Gurugram (NCR Delhi). It is not a surprise that the on the phone spoke in fluent Hindi. They cheat people on the pretext of providing such services,” he added.

Additionally, Raghuvir said that in the past several such cases had come to light wherein people looking for similar services were duped by fraudsters running such websites, and they are now available on social media as well. He further clarified that the police can only take action if anyone comes forward with a complaint in this regard.