
Despite Unlock 2.0, gyms in Hyderabad still not 'fit' enough to open

Ananya Mariam Rajesh

HYDERABAD: Unlocking did not result in the opening of gyms and fitness centres in Hyderabad, whereas gyms in other cities of the country have started to open slowly.

Gym trainers and fitness experts are badly hit for the past few months since the lockdown and it will be no different now due to the impending Lockdown 4.0, fitness enthusiasts share their opinion on the plight of gyms.

Mr India 2017 Akshay Neelakantam told the Hyderabad Express, "I think it would take a long time for the gyms to open up. Even if the gyms open up now, the restrictions would be high since it’s too risky the owners will have to be extremely careful."

He added that the possibility of opening gyms will be based on assigning clients to three shifts a day and sanitisation will play a major role post every shift while recommending the use of plastic curtains between cardio equipment.

Akshay added that it has been difficult for fitness experts to get in touch with clients. "When you train a client, you tend to correct their form and support them but when it comes to online training, it’s really difficult to explain the posture and form on call while ensuring our clients dont face any injury. As of now, the only way to train and get in touch is ‘virtual’ i.e. through video calls," said  Mr India. 

G Sai Kiran Goud, who founded Diet Made Easy (DME) along with his brother G Kuldeep Goud, mentioned how the membership schemes in gyms aren’t a resort in such hard times, "There are just a few customers who pay for subscriptions be it half-yearly or yearly. It isn’t possible to survive on these earnings. There are so many expenses for gym owners like paying the trainers and rents as they occupy large areas."

"Even the machines need to be maintained, especially now since it isn’t used for a long time there are chances, they won’t function properly," said Kiran.

Certain gyms also supply supplements but nowadays this has also been affected due to the pandemic, he added. Regarding innovative methods, the fitness enthusiast said, "Gyms which are well recognised like Golds Gym can afford cubicles and facilities for social distancing. The smaller gym owners will find innovative methods expensive to afford especially when they aren’t able to survive in the current situation."

Kiran added, "Normal investment gyms can provide slots for its customers, like six members per hour. It will help to lower the risk and there will be no overcrowding." He added that although social media is a great platform to reach out to public certain heavy exercises aren’t possible without equipment.

Reema Narendra another fitness enthusiast from the city said, "Reopening of gyms will be all about the mentality on how many people want to use it because there is a fear in the minds of people."

Few of my gym instructor friends are concentrating on online training sessions  because everybody is opening up to these virtual sessions and now there is extra care on health because of the current situation, she added.

Regarding the digitalisation of gyms Reema said, "Initially there was no much word about online activities because lockdown was thought to be temporary but now the pandemic will live with us for a while. The digital transformation will keep followers engaged and a lot of progress tracker applications will be available online."

"Gyms will have a renewed strategy, the gyms in some countries have opened in a unique style with a zip lock cubicle to maintain social distancing. In India, not many gym owners have the resources to try such methods," mentioned Reema.

She added that group and class sessions have been difficult to conduct while the bodybuilding competitions and other fitness competitions have suffered huge losses. Reema mentioned, "I prefer home workouts now as there is online assistance. People have become more health-conscious and are applying online for health and training advice."