
I did not Google my symptoms: Shikha Goel IPS

Manju Latha Kalanidhi

On a personal note, the Covid-19 time has been stressful for me. I lost my mother in mid-May. I tested positive for the virus and also had to stay away from dad who was mourning because I was in home isolation for two weeks. I must narrate an incident here which proves that is mind over  matter, always. I suffer from travel sickness and feel nauseated even travelling three hours by car.

But when I had to drive down 1,600 km from Hyderabad to Delhi in 21 hours, surprisingly I did not experience dizziness or travel sickness. I was remembering my mom and her  memories and my aim was to have one last look. I was surprised how keeping my mind busy helped  me overcome that. I later invited my dad to come to Hyderabad to stay with me so that he did not miss mom, but the day he arrived, I was tested positive and had to catch up only over video calling for the next two weeks.

I was on one floor in my house during the 14-day isolation period and I got the time to watch Suits and other such shows on Netflix.  I played online games with my kids. The best thing I did was not to Google my symptoms or look up online for advice, instead use the time effectively. I bounced back and I feel that mind power is the most powerful medicine.

First thing you do in the morning:
Attend the teleconference. Wish I could workout in my gym, which I am missing, but I make do with fast walking and track progress through my phone
Your power breakfast:
20 soaked almonds and glass of milk, fresh fruit, sometimes sandwich or a poha as I love to have my dose of salt for breakfast
Book you are reading:
Recently finished the  Harry Potter series. My daughter introduced me to the series. But even before I read Rowling, I’ve always believed in magic. I am a dreamer
Last thing you do before going to bed:
Hug my daughter in her sleep as she sleeps before me. Then I send out a silent prayer to God
What do you do when you feel stressed:
Hug my kids, listen to music, tune into FM radi and watch the web series Suits on Netflix
Mind over matter
I suffer from travel sickness but keeping my mind busy helped me overcome that when my mom died in May and I had to drive down to Delhi, 1600 km on road