
Spiking Covid numbers force merchant associations to go into self-imposed lockdown in Hyderabad

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HYDERABAD: As the number of Covid-19 cases rise exponentially in Greater Hyderabad region, associations of merchants from Hyderabad and Secunderabad trading in various commodities, from jewellery to cloths and groceries in the city are deciding to shut down their businesses voluntarily, to protect their families and employees from contracting the disease. 

While various merchants associations had decided to cut down their working hours only till 4-5 pm in the last two weeks in view of rising number of cases in Hyderabad, despite government allowing to function till 8 pm, seeing the number of Covid-19 cases spike further to more than 800 positive cases per day, the association have decided to remain shut now.

The Hyderabad Kirana Merchants Association (HKMA) which has around 300-400 wholesale and retail shop owners from Begum Bazar as its members, decided to remain completely shut from this Sunday to next Sunday(July 5). 

Whereas, the Hyderabad and Secunderabad Sanitary Dealers Association (HSSDA) which also has more than 500 businesspersons as members has decided to remain shut from June 27 to July 5.

The association of merchants trading in the famous laad bazaar have also decided to stay shut for a week starting Friday and the same decision has also been taken by the merchants at Troop bazaar, which is a market famous for electrical goods. 

Association of jewellery stores from a few areas in the twin cities have also decided to remain shut for the coming few days, while the other associations are contemplating the same.

The Hyderabad Cut Piece Cloth Merchants Association, which has around 550 members has decided to stay shut till June 30. Their counterpart in Secunderabad decided to cut their working hours from 10 am to 6 pm.