
Deep in debt, Telangana man tries to immolate self near CMO

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HYDERABAD: Overburdened with mounting financial issues, a 42-year-old owner of a footwear shop from Malakpet tried to set himself ablaze outside the CM Camp Office in Punjagutta on Sunday. Police personnel posted at the spot stopped the man from killing himself and detained him. 

Police preventing Md Nazeeruddin from
killing himself near Pragathi Bhavan

According to the police, Md Nazeeruddin could not pay the monthly instalments for the `20-lakh loan he had taken to run his business. Due to the lockdown, his shop was shut and consequently, he could not earn any money. The firm that lent Nazeeruddin the money had also sent him a legal notice as he had defaulted on his EMIs.  

Unable to bear the burden of debt, Nazeeruddin went to CM Camp Office on Sunday to take the drastic step. He reached the spot on a bike, parked it near a bank and walked towards the Camp Office with a bottle of petrol in his hand. As he reached the office gate, he started pouring petrol on him. Police posted at the place detained him and handed him over to Punjagutta police.

Woman sets self ablaze, dies
Hyderabad: Family disputes forced a woman to commit suicide in Vikarabad district. K Sarala, who lived with her husband and two children, poured kerosene on herself on Saturday night after dinner. Her husband and children were watching TV, when she bolted herself in the bathroom and set herself ablaze. A fire tender was called to douse the fire, but Sarala died on the spot. The Parigi police registered a case