
Youth start mission correction of corruption in Hyderabad

Express News Service

HYDERABAD: Youth for Anti Corruption (YAC) felicitated their volunteers for the voluntary service they rendered during the lockdown, risking their health and lives to provide medicines for elderly, pregnant women and children who are in severe need of medicines.

​Their service was applauded and celebrated at a ceremony in Hyderabad on Sunday. The event saw the participation of about 35 volunteers from Telangana and Andhra Pradesh.

Former Special Chief Secretary Ajay Mishra was the chief guest at the event and Shiva Kumar, IPS, Sangareddy Jail Superintendent, RP Patnaik, Music Director, Srinivas Madhav, MCRHRD Sr. Faculty and LION JS Mohan Rao were guests of honour.

Ajay Mishra said that corruption warriors need to display patience and courage to be able to tackle this malaise. 

Shiv Kumar, IPS, said that if the corrupt people were not left out and joined in the meetings of the anti-corruption bodies, they too could be changed. He explained how the RTI Act has an impact on society, as well as how they have dealt with the issues facing in system the fight against corruption in the past. He praised the activities done that the NGO has been doing for ten years. He hoped the number of YAC members would be doubled in the coming year. 

RP Patnaik said that it would be good if the NGO came up with a method of spying not only on the complaints they received but also on who they are to bring drastic changes in eradication of corruption. 

Rajendra Palnati, Founder of YAC, members Ramakrishna, Dr.Noori Pari, Giridhar, Maria, Swapna, Jayaram, Gangadhar, Hari and YAC in-charges of all the districts took part in the event and shared their thoughts.