
Breathe in, breathe out

Sri Jahnavi

HYDERABAD:  Oxygen supply is thin, vaccine stocks have run dry and Covid cases are soaring with every passing hour. This has pushed people to the brink of paranoia and distress. In such a grim scenario,alternative healing practices seem to be offering a glimmer of hope to those who need to combat the mental stress that the pandemic is throwing at them. 

Alternative healing experts in Hyderabad discuss how these therapies work, help relieve the tension and aid in the recovery.According to Inseeya, a tarot and Reiki expert, Reiki helps eliminate a person’s negative aura and tries to turn it into positive energy.

She advises people to stay away from all negative energy and news, stay safe and do some simple body exercises. She claims that alternative healing practices such as Reiki, crystal healing and pranic healing only support the recovery and that patients should continue to take their medications. She can be reached on www.tarotinseeya.in.

Yoga too has proven its effectiveness time and again. Ram Mohan, a 74-year-old yoga expert, claims that the ancient practice, pranayam and basic breathing exercises help improve immunity, and emotional and physical health. These will only reduce the number of medicines prescribed but cannot substitute them.

Mohan, who runs a yoga centre in New Nallakunta says that he had the opportunity to support people who were anxious during the pandemic. He held online consultations for Covid patients with mild symptoms, taught them on a few asanas to improve immunity, oxygen levels, and lower mental stress. 

This is a Japanese technique which is popularly referred to as energy healing. Reiki proponents the claim

Illustration: Amit bandre

that it can help with a variety of ailments and states of mind. It has been shown in small trials to relieve pain and mental stress.

Chakra cleansing 
This technique uses spiritual breath work to clear stagnant energies and emotional obstacles from the chakras. Basically, it’s meant to use your chakras to help you get through whatever is holding you back. With increased sensitivity to psychic and spiritual information and increased access to it.You’ll be able to heal your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual issues faster and more effectively. There are even other advantages to transforming weaknesses into strengths, and these are only a few of them.

This involves inserting needles into the body and is a key component of traditional Chinese medicine.The central nervous system is stimulated by acupuncture points, which releases chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord and brain. These biochemical changes can promote physical and emotional well-being by stimulating the body’s natural healing abilities.

This describes the desire to return to the present moment with complete focus. For example, while practising mindful meditation, you sit for 10-30 minutes and concentrate solely on your breathing. Grounding has been shown to improve sleep quality and duration, as well as reduce pain and stress.