
Wonders of  moon water

Shreya Veronica

HYDERABAD: We are constantly looking for ways to stay positive and peaceful — right from practising meditation to eating the right foods and keeping good company. But did you know that the moon, too, can help us stay collected and composed? 

Just as how the moon affects the tides, its magnetic energy also impacts our health and well-being. In fact, every full moon day, there are ceremonies which help people channel this energy for their benefit. Last week, Sacred Earth Cafe in Madhapur hosted one such ceremony, wherein people gathered, sang songs and basked in the rays of a full moon. One of the most common ways to use the moon’s energy, according to the organisers, is through water or tea. 

Bhoomika Perti at the Full Moon Tea
Ceremony at Sacred Earth Cafe

Bhoomika Perti (@trippyhippy5), the social media and marketing manager who held the Moon Tea Ceremony at the café, explains how it’s done. “I have been hosting this for the past one year. It is an Eastern concept; the tea ceremonies are a part of the Japanese culture. At the cafe, we had a tête-à-tea event, wherein we manifested the energy of the moon. This is a spiritual practice and the reason behind including tea in it is, tea is supposed to activate or cleanse your palate. To manifest something, you first need to activate your self to receive the energy. The tea culture in the East is very sacred, everything starts and ends with this beverage,” she says. 

At the ceremony, the participants spoke about how they’ve been living their lives, and how having similar intentions and the thought of building communities brings a lot of trust in a society. “We talk about how the existence of nature can heal and how the energy of the moon can be utilised,” says Bhoomika, who also hosts new moon ceremonies wherein the participants plant a seed and by the next full moon, they can absorb this energy from the sapling, which peaks on the full moon day.

Usually, five teas are served at these gatherings -- one each for the five senses of the body. Moon water is another concept which has been doing the rounds on social media. Place a container of water facing the moon and drink it a few hours later. “We usually associate positivity and peace with the moon, while the energy of the Sun helps us to stay calm. Weather you have moon water or anything else, staying positive is completely up to you. If you believe in something, that itself will heal you,” says nutritionist Dr Sujatha Stephen. 

Earlier, people used to sleep under the moon and sun to absorb their energies, but today, most of us don’t even know when the moon rises. “Moon water, if done right, can help cure PCOD, menstrual problems and ensure good mental health. It is not scientifically proven, but if you believe in it, the positive energy will work,” says Dr Sujatha. 

How to make moon water
Fill a bottle with both water and good intent
Leave it overnight outside in the moonlight on a full moon day
The water gets charged with the positive energy of the moon
Next morning, slowly

Moon water may be an age-old concept, but it is being talked about widely these days. On the full moon day last week, Sacred Earth Cafe in Madhapur hosted a session which taught people ways to use the moon’s energy. One of them was through water and tea. Here’s everything you need to know about it