
Live sustainably Gen Z style

Express News Service

HYDERABAD: Climate change and concerns surrounding the environment are no secret. From some of our most scientific minds to our most prolific personalities, from baby boomers to Gen Z, everyone’s feeling the pinch and the urge to up and help in any way they can.

Gen Z, or the ‘woke generation’ is awake and outspoken indeed, while being very sensitive to social, political, and environmental issues. So, today, I’d like to offer some advice on how Gen Z can adopt new and interesting ways of living more sustainably, and I speak from personal experience.

Litter no more: A major crisis plaguing our country today is the dumping of litter willy- nilly. Most public spaces are equipped with dustbins and yet most of us throw litter on the streets and pavements, even into our lakes and rivers. If we inculcate the habit of putting garbage where it belongs, we can do wonders for our immediate surroundings and for people who have no choice but to live in and around it.

Use that AC wisely: A country like India is a tropical paradise for tourists but for those who dwell here would tell you otherwise, especially during the summer seasons. The need for air conditioning becomes a necessity that’s difficult to do without. But you can limit your consumption so that it doesn’t burden the environment. Try not to leave it on for long hours. Use it intermittently and minimise its use at night when the temperature drops.

Read that label: Be conscious while shopping and make sure you buy products that come with eco-friendly packaging. This includes labels such as ’recyclable’, ‘handmade’, ‘organic’, ‘cruelty-free’, and ‘zero-waste’. This ensures that you’re leaving a minimal carbon footprint on planet.

Invest in renewable energy: Gen Z is associated with technology and spend a major chunk of their time on gadgets; gadgets that consume a lot of power. Reading up about renewable forms of energy such as solar energy and incorporating them into their lives can help with their quest to save the environment without having to give up on technology.

Own an EV: It’s almost like the EV was invented for Gen Z! A generation that is very conscious about the environment and acts when needed. Driving an electric vehicle will further their interest and of course help the planet in the best way possible — by eliminating fossil fuels, the very bane of our existence.

Water harvesting: An older generation finds it hard to adopt new practices but a savvy generation like Gen Z should have no issue harvesting water, especially during the torrential rains that occur in our country, every year. They can re-purpose that water to serve a multitude of new functions.

Recycle and repurpose: Perhaps the most important pillar of sustainability is to recycle and upcycle. A practice that isn’t alien to any of us. Gen Z has some of the most creative minds of our time and their knack for upcycling can help the planet like you wouldn’t believe! From clothing to used bottles, from cardboard boxes to stationery, almost anything can be upcycled.

Grow locally: The habit of gardening is embedded in us from a young age. And gardening too has seen some amazing technological advancements, such as greenhouses and hydroponic gardening. It is a very simple task now to grow and consume one’s produce, all you need is a bit of research.

Educate: It’s great to be knowledgeable about the environment and take necessary measures to save it from degradation. But spreading awareness and educating those who might be ignorant is also part of our social responsibility. For Gen Z who is extremely vocal in their cause, this is just a cakewalk.

Follow through: The most important aspect of sustainable living is to be consistent with our habits and lifestyle. Since it’s a new approach, it might take time to get used to, but I promise, the journey is worth it. So be sure to recycle, say no to fast fashion, yes to renewable energy, and all things eco-friendly.

(The article is written by Vamsi Gaddam, JMD, Visaka Industries.)