
What’s your Raashee? , Archana Puneeth talks about zodiac signs and more

Rachel Dammala

HYDERABAD: Remember the not-so-loved trend of ‘He’s mine - She’s mine’ or the ‘Prince-Princess’ t-shirts whose time on Instragam posts and reels was sadly short-lived, thanks to many finding them cheesy? Here’s the next thing that’s trending on the ‘gram -- zodiac apparel. Yes, you heard that right -- move over having your or your beloved’s name on your locket, ring or t-shirt. Make way for your zodiac sign that is currently ruling the reel roost.

The trend of sporting fashion based on one’s zodiac sign has been growing increasingly popular and is here to stay. And, why wouldn’t it, especially when memes, bios and even excuses have zodiac signs written all over them!

Archana Puneeth, designer and founder of Archana & Puneeth, believes that because people look to stars for answers, they don’t mind wearing their zodiac signs on their sleeves. “Since the dawn of time, humans have sought answers in the stars. Never mind that it’s considered a pseudoscience: astrology is once again in vogue as we try to make sense of our complex, unpredictable world. Its influence infiltrates even the most stylish wardrobes and jewellery boxes of our time.”

Giving us a quick lesson about its history, she adds, “Zodiac jewellery peaked in popularity during the 1930s, the 1970s and today. People look to the stars and want their jewellery to act as a talisman during difficult, uncertain times.”

In the 1960s and 1970s, the so-called ‘Age of Aquarius’, Parisian jewellery houses responded to the booming interest in spirituality by creating gold pendants depicting the signs of the zodiac, Archana informs. “Half a century later, these vintage pieces are hugely sought after at auctions. There’s an explosion of contemporary jewellers turning to the skies for inspiration. Zodiac-inspired jewels and pieces that feature birthstones are a spiritual evolution from the pendants that have been popular for many years. Women want to wear jewellery that feels unique, and in a world where we’re all searching to feel understood, horoscopes and astrology offer the recognition we crave.”

Awkward silence at a party? You can bet your fellow partygoers will ask about the tiny symbol dangling from your wrist. Fashionista, influencer and actress Bhavya Natasha says the need for self-expression has resulted in zodiac fashion to trend again. “From chic home looks to celeb-approved outfits, there’s an overwhelming amount of these. It just makes it easier when your stars are aligned with your outfit. Astrology is a great tool for self-expression, and what is fashion if it’s not the ultimate self-expression,” she says.

Where to look for designs as you start on this trend? From Misho and Prerto to Swarovski and Tiffany & Co., some of our favourite brands are getting in on the zodiac trend, Archana tells CE.

Divya Bopanna, another influencer from the city, is somewhat sceptical and believes the trend could be more of a marketing strategy by brands. “But for certain brands that heavily rely on the customisation, this trend could work wonders for them. They put their customers’ personality traits in style and curate a product (t-shirt, bandana, etc.) just for them.”

Bhavya loves that brands and designers would cash in on this trend because “listening to what people want is a good thing.” Divya, on the other hand, advises people to proceed with caution. “It’s important to know why something is trending and not be fooled to join the herd. But if it matches with what you want and resonates with your personality, you should definitely go for it,” she says.

Here are some tips

  • Wear it on your neck, earlobes, wrists or fingers, but not everywhere
  • Pick two or three colours to base your outfit around
  • Looking fashionable is playing with propositions and leaning into contrast, so work on that
  • Make an effort to discover new brands and you’re good to go