
Decomposed body of woman found on terrace in Hyderabad's Sanath Nagar, probe on

Express News Service

HYDERABAD: The decomposed body of an unidentified woman aged around 25 years was found on the terrace of an under-construction building at Bharat Nagar under Sanath Nagar police station on Sunday.

Police suspect it to be a case of murder as they have found injury marks on the woman's body. According to police, the construction of the building had been stopped for a few months. On Sunday evening, Srinivas, the building owner sent one of the workers to the terrace to get sand. The worker spotted the decomposed body on the terrace and informed Srinivas who in turn alerted the police.

Forensic teams, fingerprint experts and dog squad visited the spot and collected evidence. The body was later shifted to hospital for post-mortem. “A murder case has been registered and investigation is on,” said Sanathnagar Inspector K Muthu Yadav. He said they are waiting for the postmortem report to confirm sexual assault.