
Em‘bracing’ the unknown

Express News Service

HYDERABAD: The fear of a looming third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic has gripped us all. Nobody wants to be confined to the four walls of our homes, all over again. As understandable as the fear is, there’s always a better way to face this and it includes preparedness. Aliza Virani, psychologist at Praan Wellness, lists ways you can prepare yourself mentally, physically and emotionally to put up an efficient fight against whatever is to come!

Stay in touch
Stay in constant touch with the people you love. Sometimes, it doesn’t even have to be a person -- it can be your pet, your plants, a soft toy or even a comfy cushion can keep you calm

Indulge in anything that you feel calms you down and keeps you sane. Yoga, meditation, exercise, music -- anything under the sun!

There will be feelings of anxiousness about the virus being in the air again, and that your plans could get delayed. Remember that you have to come to terms with it for the greater good. Acceptance goes a long way in putting up a good fight

Don’t make the mistake of going back to your old procrastinating and lethargic self. If you had a routine during the previous lockdown, stick to it. Or if your current one works well, continue with that. For instance, if you woke up at 9 am, do that, if your break was at 11 am, stick to that

Be aware/cut off
If you feel you’re growing worried and think that it’s coming from a place of fear of the unknown, try to read up information but only from legitimate sources. But if you’re someone who panics about what’s happening around you, make the choice to cut off from unnecessary information. Find your reaction to information and make a healthy choice