
BJP National Vice-President DK Aruna flays CM KCR; asks to openly fight with her

Express News Service

BJP National Vice-President DK Aruna has observed that it was only in the direction of political strategist Prashant Kishor that Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao was trying to implicate opposition leaders like her and former MP AP Jithendar Reddy in the alleged conspiracy to murder Excise Minister V Srinivas Goud.

Speaking to media at her residence on Thursday, she has dared the chief minister to come out openly and fight with her, instead of using the police to file false cases against the individuals who were only trying to expose Srinivas Goud for his fraudulent affidavit filed with the Election Commission during the elections.

Confirming that BJP was supporting those individuals who were trying to expose the minister, she questioned what was wrong with it.

She said that police has become a puppet in the hands of the State government, which was evident in the way press meet was conducted by Commissioner of Police Stephen Ravindra on Wednesday night.

She said that Srinivas Goud had used the Telangana movement as a shield to perpetrate several irregularities and corruption while he was working as the leader of TGOs during the Telangana movement, for which he was also suspended back then. It was only because Raghavender Raju and his team has been exposing Srinivas Goud, that he was using police to file false cases against them.

BJP State President B Samjay Kumar has also paid Aruna a visit to her reisdence in Hyderabad on Thursday morning. He said that BJP was prepared for any eventuality and would not be cowed down by the initimation tactics being employed by the State government. He has expressed confidence in all facts related to the case coming out soon.

Meanwhile, the residences of Jithendar Reddy and Aruna were attacked by some individuals on Wednesday night, as soon after Stephen Ravindra's press meet. Around 16 persons had set fire to the tire of Reddy's car and smashed the car's windshield. They also hurled stones at their houses.