
Growing up with pets

Express News Service

HYDERABAD : We all know that something special seems to happen to children in the presence of animals. We all have witnessed a scene where a kid, unwilling to stop crying despite pampering, will break into a smile when looking at a pet. A pet can bring joy, emotional development, caring and compassion to a child, says Salil Murthy, managing director, Mars Petcare India.

Salil talks to CE about the positive impact of pets in boosting children’s moods, decreasing feelings of loneliness and increasing social support. “A child with a pet at a very early age is exposed to responsibility, which benefits them greatly as they grow. Also, pets have been shown to impart emotional intelligence to children,” he says before illustrating some pointers:

Compassion and empathy
To build understanding and empathy, a child must first consider another living thing. Furry companions rely on humans for care because they can’t do most of the work, like refilling water bowls, making food, and exercising. Such dependence inspires children to be compassionate and empathetic. Pet ownership allows parents to teach children about respect for all life forms. Children also get an opportunity to see outside themselves and understand what it is like to be in someone else’s shoes. In addition, they tend to understand their pet’s feelings when being ignored, forgotten, or even hungry or cold.

Acceptance and unwavering love
A child who grows up with a pet has no fear of being judged or rejected. Children learn that their furry friend will love them no matter what, which means the world to them. Pets are unconcerned about the child’s appearance or what they’re wearing; they adore their owners as they are. A pet can help children become less dependent on their parents while providing them with the same amount of comfort and love.

Self-esteem and confidence
Owning a pet requires a lot of effort. Children who participate in this work feel a sense of accomplishment. The responsibility gives them a sense of independence, especially as they get older and handle additional duties. While children form close bonds with pets, they tend to view themselves favourably, too, which gives them a sense of purpose.

Eases anxiety
The symptoms of a child’s anxiety are reduced by pets, thus promoting social interaction. For instance, when a child is mistreated, having a pet by their side can have a calming effect and make it simple to share their feelings. Children feel calmer when they hold or stoke animals.

Reduces loneliness
Pets never ignore their owners. They get rid of loneliness, especially for children who have problems making friends or do not have any. They become best friends with children who think they have no one to talk to.

Physical well-being
Children with pets are likelier to be active and get their energy out. Pets generally provide children with several other advantages. Pets inspire them to engage in outdoor physical activity like play. This allows children to burn excess energy while playing indoor and outdoor games. For a child, nothing compares to the delight of having a devoted pet friend. A pet’s unwavering affection goes well beyond simply keeping the child company.