
Rising above the symptoms

Rachel Dammala

HYDERABAD: PCOS — an acronym many have heard but seldom have enough awareness about — Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is the most common hormonal disorder that affects around 2.2 to 26.7 percent of women during their reproductive years (ages 15 to 44). It is a collection of symptoms affecting the ovaries and ovulation, with three major characteristics: multiple tiny ovarian cysts, high levels of male hormones, and irregular periods.

PCOS sadly impact women’s health in different ways affecting her periods, fertility and her skin, hair, body weight and more. The symptoms of are not something to be conscious about. With a lot of women suffering from a low self esteem because of acne and other symptoms of the condition, it is crucial to raise awareness about PCOS. This PCOS awareness month, we speak to experts who share ways one can be cautious and careful.

“It is a disorder of the endocrine system and affects the body metabolism, affecting not just physical health but also the mental health of the woman. Many women with PCOS have insulin resistance. This means the body can’t use insulin well. Insulin levels build up in the body and may cause higher androgen levels,” says Sujata Pawar, founder-CEO of Avni, a conscious menstrual care brand in the city.

Because it’s a lifestyle disorder, the best way to control or reverse it is by changes in diet and activity to help the body utilise insulin efficiently, she says, adding, “Medicine (ovulation inducers/birth control pills) can help control but have long-term side effects so need to be taken only with doctor’s recommendation.”

Renowned cosmetic surgeon with notable clients in Hyderabad — Dr Karishma Kagodu, founder Kaesthetics — shares, “Addressing the underlying hormonal imbalance is the key approach to treat PCOS acne problems. Certain chemicals can only assist with minor breakouts, and are rarely adequate to treat hormonal acne. A hygieinic skin care routine and limiting consumption of anti-inflammatory foods are a good start.” Having treated women with such conditions, she adds that it is important to consult a doctor to determine the cause of acne and other issues to get the appropriate treatment.

“Although there is no permanent solution or cure for PCOS, leading a healthy lifestyle, eating a balanced diet, and exercising regularly can help reduce its effects on the female body. Many studies show that if you’re overweight, losing just 5 to 10% of your body weight can help improve your symptoms,” concludes Dr Kameswari S, HOD -Gynaecology, Fernandez Hospital in Boggulkunta.

Effects of PCOS
Acanthosis Nigricans - Dark, thick, and velvety skin
Hirsutism - Excessive hair growth on the face and body
Acne - Affects the lower part of the face, including jawline, cheeks, chin, upper neck and back
Hair - Thinning of frontal hair, hair loss and lackluster hair
What you can do
Hygieinic skin care routine
Avoid/limit intake of infalmmatory foods
Consult your doctor for skin/hair treatments