
‘Breaking into cosplay can be daunting’: Cosplay expert Zohair Khan

Vennapusala Ramya

HYDERABAD:  Comic Con India is eagerly preparing for its upcoming edition in Hyderabad, a unique celebration of all things comic and cosplay. A recent workshop held at Aaromalé Cafe in Hyderabad, hosted by cosplay experts Medha Shrivastava and Zohair Khan, offered an insightful glimpse into the world of cosplay. In an exclusive conversation with CE, they shared their experiences and insights.

Zohair Khan kicked off the workshop by demystifying cosplay for beginners. Explaining its essence and the event dynamics at Comic-Con, Khan expressed, “The workshop aims to introduce newcomers to the Comic-Con culture, its various cosplay competitions, and the craftsmanship behind prop-making. We guide them through prop creation, encouraging them to delve deeper into their fandoms and find joy in this expressive art form.”

For beginners, this workshop serves as a vital starting point, easing their uncertainties about diving into the realm of cosplay. Reflecting on his own journey, Khan recalled, “In 2015, while in Dubai, I was introduced to cosplay at a Comic Con. The sight of people adorned in intricate costumes fascinated me. Upon discovering Hyderabad had its own Comic Con, I decided to take the plunge. Starting with a simple tailor-made costume, I felt compelled to push my boundaries, striving to excel in this craft and entertain crowds at Comic Con ever since.”

When addressing the challenges of being a cosplayer, Khan highlighted the hurdles in initiating one’s journey, the reluctance to embrace the spotlight, and the skill development required. “Breaking into cosplay can be daunting. Many shy away due to the attention it garners. Also, while convention audiences appreciate cosplay, not everyone in one’s personal circle may understand or support it. Acquiring the necessary skills is another hurdle, especially for those aiming for intricate costumes,” he explained.

Medha Shrivastava (Photo | Sri Loganathan Velmurugan)

Medha Shrivastava, reflecting on her eight-year journey, reminisced about her most challenging yet rewarding character — Alexstraza from World of Warcraft, which led her to win the Indian championship. “Stepping out of my comfort zone was daunting. Winning required a departure from my usual repertoire, making Alexstraza a favourite character due to the personal growth it demanded,” she shared.

She also shed light on the darker aspects of this creative pursuit, acknowledging the challenges faced. “Navigating the online space, essential for cosplayers’ growth, can be daunting. Social media exposure often invites trolling and criticism, initially affecting my confidence. However, over time, I’ve grown resilient, valuing my work irrespective of others’ opinions,” she disclosed.

Their insights provided a comprehensive understanding of the joys and challenges inherent in the captivating world of cosplay, inspiring newcomers to embark on their own creative odysseys.