
Beauty evolution 2024

Vennapusala Ramya

HYDERABAD: The skincare industry experiences constant evolution, driven by emerging trends that captivate beauty enthusiasts worldwide. In 2023, various trends like multi-functional products, LED masks, ceramides, and skin cycling took centre stage. The big question for 2024 is whether these trends will persist or new ones will emerge.

Individual skin needs are diverse, and shaped by factors like region and climate. However, the internet’s global reach has unified beauty communities, fostering the adoption of products from different regions — Korean skincare being a prime example. This connectivity continually births fresh skincare trends.

Reviewing the landscape for 2024, some 2023 trends endure. Skinimalism, advocating for a streamlined routine focused on repair, hydration, and protection in three-four steps, maintains its popularity. Dr K Kranthi Varma, Consultant Dermatologist, Renova Hospitals, highlights the rising emphasis on fortifying the skin barrier against environmental stressors. Products featuring ceramides, fatty acids, and cholesterol are gaining ground, signaling a shift towards nurturing rather than aggressive skincare.

Moreover, high-tech skincare devices, particularly at-home ones, receive upgrades. Dr Varma notes advancements in LED light therapy, microcurrent devices, and ultrasonic skin cleansers, claiming benefits ranging from anti-aging to addressing acne. However, he stresses that while these devices complement routines, they don’t replace professional treatments.

According to Dr Swapna Priya, Consultant Dermatologist, Care Hospitals, the Jet Peel Facial is set to trend in 2024. This technology uses pressurised air to deliver a non-invasive, skin-rejuvenating treatment, infusing moisture, vitamins, and nutrients without skin contact or needles. Particularly effective for acne, the jet water extracts comedones, preventing infections and mitigating breakouts.

Dr Priya also highlights the potential rise of skin boosters — injectable hyaluronic acid (HA) improving texture, elasticity, and hydration. These enhance skin quality, promoting firmness and radiance.

In essence, while some trends from 2023 persist, 2024 brings innovations like the Jet Peel Facial and the possible surge of skin boosters, all indicative of a continued quest for effective, diverse skincare solutions.