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Unlocking secrets to optimal health

Vennapusala Ramya

HYDERABAD: Humans are increasingly susceptible to health risks due to the emergence of new infections and viruses on a daily basis. However, with basic care, we can eradicate at least some of these diseases. CE spoke with Dr M Rajini, Consultant Gynecologist at CARE Hospitals, for health and hygiene tips for girls to follow from an early age to prevent long-term health issues.

What are some fundamental health and hygiene practices that every girl must know from an early age to promote overall well-being?

Good hygiene practices from an early age are crucial to prevent many infections. Prioritising proper menstrual hygiene is essential, including changing sanitary pads or tampons regularly, washing hands before and after handling them, and selecting products carefully to prevent irritation. Additionally, daily intimate hygiene practices should involve using a mild, PH-balanced soap for cleaning the genital area while avoiding harsh chemicals or scented products that may disrupt the natural balance. Regular health check-ups, including gynecological examinations such as Pap smears and breast exams, should be scheduled to detect any potential issues early on. Maintaining a balanced diet and incorporating regular exercise into one’s routine are also essential for supporting overall health, including bone density and reproductive well-being.

What are some common health problems that girls might face in the long run if proper hygiene practices are not followed, especially in reproductive health?

Poor hygiene can lead to various long-term health issues, including reproductive infections like bacterial vaginosis or urinary tract infections, ultimately affecting reproductive health. Additionally, irregular menstrual cycles and related complications may develop as a consequence of hormonal imbalances due to unhygienic practices. Furthermore, untreated infections and poor reproductive health practices could contribute to fertility problems later in life. Therefore, it’s necessary to follow proper hygiene practices.

Can you mention some myths about women’s health and hygiene that still exist in our society?

There are several myths surrounding women’s health and hygiene that persist in modern society. For example, some believe that douching is necessary for cleanliness, but it can disrupt the natural balance of vaginal flora, leading to infections. The vagina is self-cleaning, and using harsh products can do more harm than good. Additionally, some women avoid using tampons due to the misconception that they can break the hymen, but the hymen can stretch or tear for various reasons unrelated to tampon use. Another myth is that using birth control pills for a long time causes infertility, but fertility typically returns after discontinuing the pill, allowing women to conceive. Long-term use of birth control pills does not lead to infertility.

Women these days are prone to cancers, mostly breast, cervical, and ovarian. What are ways to prevent them from an early age?

To prevent cancers such as breast, cervical, and ovarian cancer from an early age, it’s essential to give up smoking and minimise alcohol consumption, as these habits are linked to various cancers. Additionally, maintaining physical activity and weight control through regular exercise and a healthy diet can reduce the risk of breast and colon cancer. Vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV) is crucial for girls aged 11 or 12 years to prevent HPV-related genital malignancies, including cervical cancer. Regular self-examinations and screenings for malignancies, including skin, colon, cervix, and breast, increase the likelihood of detecting cancer early, improving treatment.

How can we educate girls from different backgrounds about the importance of hygiene and health?

Educating girls from diverse backgrounds about the significance of hygiene and health can be achieved through various methods, such as community workshops, school curriculums, and digital platforms. Community workshops provide accessible platforms to disseminate information on hygiene, reproductive health, and overall well-being within local communities. Comprehensive sex education programmes integrated into school curriculums ensure that girls receive essential learning on hygiene, reproductive health, and mental well-being. Utilising digital platforms to create informative and engaging content caters to a diverse audience, spreading awareness about health and hygiene in an accessible and interactive manner.

What are some tips to maintain overall health?

To maintain overall health, it’s important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, which supports bodily functions and contributes to overall well-being. Consuming a well-rounded diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains helps maintain balanced nutrition, providing essential nutrients for optimal health. Regular exercise plays a vital role in boosting cardiovascular health and overall well-being, so incorporating physical activity into daily routines is important.