
ICCK Annual Meet from Tomorrow

Express News Service

KOCHI: The annual conference of the Interventional Cardiology Council of Kerala (ICCK) will be held at Hotel Marriot, Edappally on August 22  and 23.

The conference brings all the interventional cardiologists of the state together to share their experiences, new therapies, latest equipments and methods, and also their difficult cases and complications, informed Dr Vinod Thomas of Renai Medicity Hospital, who is also the  organising secretary of ICCK 2015.

Dr  Rony Mathew, of Lisie Hospital, chairman of the scientific Committee, said 60 Cardiologists will deliver eminent case presentations in the 2-day conference.

In addition there will be invited lectures and innovative Stents, Scaffolds & Drugs Symposium, as well as health hazards in the field of interventional Cardiology.