
Mehyog to the rescue of diabetics

Express News Service

KOCHI: Kandamkulathy Ayurveda Vaidyasala, backed by 169 years of dedicated holistic treatment, has created sparks through Mehyog, an ayurvedic medicine for diabetic patients. It is a nutritious natural preparation having no side effects. It is useful for all types of severe diabetic conditions regardless of age and has no proven side effects.

Mehyog is a formulation from centuries-old palm-leaf manuscripts handed down over generations. A combination of ayurvedic herbs, Mehyog Powder has a telling curative effect on most of the accompanying problems of a diabetic, like fatigue, joint pains, sleeplessness, constipation, excessive thirst, frequent urination, pain and numbness of limbs, blurred vision, weight loss despite increased appetite, obesity, erectile dysfunction etc. Mehyog is a nutritious natural preparation having no side effects, a fact proven through medical tests and trials. Almost all diabetic patients from different parts of Kerala have experienced the quality of Mehyog and the relief it has given to them.

In a matter of 21 days urinary complaints and stomach disorders will be normalized; numbness and swelling of the hands and legs, joint pains, muscle pain will be reduced; sleeplessness will be cured along with tiredness and weakness if any. Chances of heart attack due to high blood pressure and shortage of insulin is reduced as Mehyog normalises the sugar level in blood. The use of Mehyog helps to strengthen small blood vessels and thereby correct eye problems.

Mehyog helps to reduce the intensity of paralysis by pushing up the blood supply to brain and also guards the kidneys from weakness due to high blood pressure and increased sugar level.

Mehyog should be used twice a day in the beginning. Those under allopathic medications should take 2 tablespoons of Mehyog powder, one hour before breakfast and dinner. Mix 2 tablespoons of powder (10 gm) in one glass of hot water, and drink when it cools down.(For better result, boil water for a few seconds after adding the powder and filter).

When the blood sugar level becomes normal (FBS-100 mg and PPBS-130-140 mg) one can gradually reduce the allopathic medications under a doctor’s guidance. If sufficient quantity of insulin is not produced in a person, the body fails to utilise sugar properly and the person becomes a diabetic. Insulin is a hormone produced by beta cells in the body. Mehyog aims at regenerating destroyed beta cells and thereby producing the required quantity of insulin which keeps the blood sugar level normal. Mehyog helps to develop and build up beta cells. Mehyog can be used by patients having pregnancy diabetes and is suffering from repeated abortions due to diabetes.

Since insulin-taking patients head towards dialysis as their last option, Mehyog helps such patients lead a diabetic free life.

Mehyog is available in all Ayurveda and English medical shops. Effective treatment is available for all diabetic related ailments at Kandamkulathy Ayurveda hospital, near Desabhimani road, Elamakkara, Ernakulam.