
Carry me back to rock and roll time!

Akhilan JR

KOCHI:If you are among those people who tuned into Radio Australia at 2.40 pm every Saturday to listen to 'The International Top 20', collected and exchanged heavy metal LP discs with your friends, and covered your rooms with posters from the ‘Jazz Magazine’, or are just willing to have a taste of the beat and hip movements all over again, this night is for you. The Thiruvananthapuram-based music forum 'Hard Day’s Night', along with Bangalore-based band 'Monkey Biscuits', is up with 180 minutes of non-stop ‘60s music and fun.

Originally started five years ago as a modest get-together of a few Baby boomers with a passion for western music of that age, this bi-monthly forum of vintage music is now considered as a gateway for music lovers to experience the golden age of rock and roll, in this city. While contemporary music has also got an entry into this club, the ‘60s music remains the real essence of the music night.

“Modern music has lost the heavy metal feel of our days. It has become ‘mild’, and has lost a sense of maturity that used to exist in the ‘60s and ‘70s music”, says Tomy K Cherian, the man behind the initiation of this music forum. “I am not hostile towards the present-day music."

Concert-goers are up to a treat of untainted rock and roll and pop, with the Monkey Biscuits performing songs of The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Green Day, Queen and Led Zeppelin, among others.

The audience is also given the opportunity to perform songs, with the only criterion being that the songs should belong to the 60s or 70s. The music night will also stage other independent young artists who are interested in the music of ‘60s and ‘70s. “In this event, we give opportunities to upcoming artists. The only condition is they should be enthusiastic about it," says Tomy.

While this music forum has a reputation of having silver-haired men and women as its principal audience, over the last few years, it has been frequented by young couples too. “We are trying to make this music night a family friendly event. The crowd is no longer what we used to have while gathering at the Coffee House to perform”, adds Tomy.

The music night will be held in Travancore Hall of South Park Hotel, Thiruvananthapuram at 7 pm on April 28.