
Transforming consciousness to bliss

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KOCHI: In the run-up to International Yoga Day which falls tomorrow, TNIE brings you expert advice on yoga. In the concluding part, Sonal Joshi talks about Ajna and Sahasrara Chakra and how to balance them

Ajna Chakra 
Ajna Chakra is situated in the mid brain behind the centre of the eyebrow, at the top of the spine. It is also known as the Third eye. The word Ajna means command. In deep meditation, the practitioner receives commands from the higher self. It is the centre where wisdom and intuition develop.  It is the seat of conscience where the sense of justice and ethics originate.

Healthy chakra

On psychic planes, this point is the bridge between mental and psychic dimensions responsible for Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, and Telepathy. At physical level imbalance in this chakra can cause headache, dizziness, blindness, brain lesions, depression and addictive behavior.  To purify and strengthen this Chakra meditation and chanting of OM visualizing indigo color in between the eyebrows holding the Ananta Prajna mudra is done. Eye exercises and Trataka (gazing steadily at a flame or an object without blinking) is also beneficial.

Ananta Prajna Mudra

  • Make hooks by touching tips of the middle fingers and thumbs as shown in the picture.
  • Touch the tips of the index fingers.
  • Interlock the remaining fingers so that they touch the back of the palms.

Sahasrara Chakra
Sahasrara chakra or the Crown chakra is situated at the crown of the head. it is associated with the brain and the nervous system . A purified Crown chakra leads to communion with the higher states of consciousness, ecstasy and bliss. It is a gateway to transcendental reality, divine self, universal consciousness. Imbalance in this chakra can cause close mindedness, cynicism and living in a disconnected state.  At physical level imbalance can cause headache, Migraine, depression, Schizophrenia and delusional disorders. Meditation in silence, holding the Hakini Mudra visualizing a beautiful pure white glow at the crown of the head helps in activating the Sahasrara Chakra.

Hakini Mudra

  • Join the tips of all the ten fingers with each other, keeping the palms at a distance.
  • Place the palms at the chest level and meditate. 

To conclude, Chakra Balancing is a very much ignored aspect of healing as they are subtle and not visible to the naked eye, nor to any diagnostic instruments used in modern medicine. They can be measured by capturing the aura and analyzing it. As the Chakras are closely related to the endocrine system, evaluating them before the administering   any kind of medication is of invaluable support. This approach is already in vogue in Russian hospitals. Chakra balancing as a therapeutic science is the gift of our Indian heritage. It is only imperative that we make use of it and benefit.  For further information on Chakra evaluation and therapy please feel free to contact us.

Given above are the pictures of Chakras of a healthy and an unhealthy person. They are measured by the bio energy device which also measures metaphysical parameters. Upon analyzing Chakra displacement we can suggest remedial measures pinpointing the areas of attention requiring therapeutic remedies which may include modern medicines.