
Revenge porn: Spurned lover shares woman’s private pics online, arrested

Express News Service

KOCHI: A 35-year-old married man landed in the police net for ‘revenge porn’ after he posted private pictures of his former lover, a widow, on social media to avenge their breakup. Roy of Pallippuram was nabbed by a team led by Munambam Inspector of Police A L Yesudas. 

The police said Roy and the woman had been in a relationship for the past five years, and recently he started suspecting the woman to be in an affair with another person. He posted the private pictures to avenge the woman’s new relationship, the police said. The woman had lodged a complaint with the women’s cell after her friends alerted her about the photographs circulated through Facebook. 

“We checked his Facebook account and found that he used his account to post the photos. We immediately alerted Facebook. His account was deactivated and the photos were deleted,” said Yesudas. Roy was produced before the court and remanded in custody.

According to Indian Criminology and Forensic Science Association president Febin Baby, bad breakups are resulting in the scorned lover using “revenge porn” to avenge a breakup with the advent of mobile phones and digital devices. 

They share explicit content (usually a picture or video) of their ex-lover over social media, blogs or other web channels. “While in a relationship, couples don’t mind taking explicit pictures together or even exchanging private pictures. But they forget the fact that the same can backfire when love turns sour or a breakup happens,” he said.

According to a McAfee study report based on ‘Love, Relationships, and Technology Survey’, up to 50 per cent of people who participated in the survey had shared personal or intimate images and/or videos with loved ones or friends. Additionally, 28 percent have regretted (once they broke up) sending such content and 32 per cent have asked their ex-partner to delete the personal images.

The study also found that “1 in 10 people have been threatened by their former partner that their risqué images would be posted online. Moreover, nearly 60 per cent of these threats were carried out.” Febin said there are even websites that specifically pay for uploading explicit private pictures/videos and those who insist on making such pictures/videos of their partners may be having an ulterior motive of monetising them.

“Simply say no or don’t allow your partner to take your private picture or video. Also don’t share any such pictures. That’s the only way to stay safe from revenge porn,” he added.