
Veneer secret to golden smile

Nimitha Maria Jimmy

KOCHI: A desire to look attractive is no longer part of the vanity. In a competitive world, a pleasing, confident smile is a necessity. We are a technologically driven society where social media contributes to a person’s image too. As our screens become more defined, there is a definite surge in establishing fine facial and dental aesthetics.

Teeth are getting a fair share of this attention. Discolouration, gaps, twisted, turned or broken teeth, gummy smile — all these can affect overall facial aesthetics. What if we can quickly fix all the problems mentioned earlier and get a proportionate and pleasing smile without removing too many teeth or altering their structure? 

This is exactly what the smile enhancement procedure assures.

What is a veneer?
A veneer is a covering or a cap that masks the flaws of your teeth like colour, shape, position or size. A veneer could be made of ceramic, Emax or even composites. Ceramic and E max veneers are quite rigid and are capable of taking in the force formed when you bite on something, whereas composites are used in milder cases.

Who can get veneers?
Any discolouration, mild or severe can be resolved with veneers. This is an apt treatment option for those who suffer from dental fluorosis caused by the consumption of water with excess fluoride content. Alappuzha and Palakkad have the most number of dental fluorosis cases recorded in Kerala.

You may also get veneers if you

  • Have gaps between the front tooth
  • Small teeth, resulting in a gummy smile
  • Slight alignment issues. Severe alignment issues may require orthodontic intervention.
  • Broken or chipped off front teeth

Got health concerns you want to share with a doctor? Are you looking for credible answers regarding symptoms, medicines or lifestyle disorders? Write to us on cityexpresskoc@newindianexpress.com, and we will get healthcare professionals to answer them.

How is veneering done?

  • The clinician approves the veneering after a detailed inspection. There are times when veneers are not advisable, especially when there are concerns regarding the thickness of the enamel and the bite of the patient. Parafunctional habits like night grinding and clenching of is not ideal. 
  • Once the case is selected, minimal tooth cutting is done. The veneer shade is selected considering the patient’s natural teeth as well as his/her complexion. Later, a full-mouth impression is taken for the construction of the veneer. The whole procedure can be done in a week and temporary crowns are also given during the time.