
Spike in new Covid cases again in Ernakulam

Express News Service

KOCHI: Ernakulam district is witnessing a surge in Covid cases. Around 1,000 cases are being reported daily in the district and most of them are reinfections. According to health officials, though the number of positive cases is high there is no equivalent rise in hospital admissions.

In this Omicron wave, since the spread of the disease and reinfections are high, it is important to take necessary precautions to tackle the situation. On Tuesday, the district reported 1,170 Covid cases. As many as 732 cases were reported on Monday.

“During the Delta wave, reinfection cases were less as compared to the Omicron wave. Studies have revealed that the Omicron variants have progressively increased immune escape. With the new spike mutations, the reinfection risk has substantially increased. Most of the cases that arrive at hospitals are reinfection cases and the patients are fully vaccinated as well,” said an infectious disease expert in Kochi. According to the health department, 11,566 active cases have been reported so far in the district.

“Reinfections are not to be taken lightly. Though the cases are spiking, it is a relief that there is no significant rise in ICU admissions. Most of the Covid positive patients are undergoing treatment in their homes. The concern is when it comes to the elderly and those with comorbidities,” said a health official.

“Sticking to the Covid norms is the only way to keep the infection at bay. Taking necessary precautions including wearing masks, maintaining social distancing and using sanitisers is very important. Flouting Covid norms will only increase the spread,” said a health official.

Cases Positive
21/06/22 1,170
20/06 732
19/06 574
18/06 838
17/06 841
16/06 949
15/06 1,072