
Kochi city techies launch chirpy challenge

Mahima Anna Jacob

KOCHI:  Progressive Techies, an IT-based socio-cultural welfare organisation, has launched the ‘Bird Bath Challenge’ campaign to help avian friends survive the scorching summer heat. Based in Infopark, Kakkanad, the group has placed earthen basins on their workplace premises to offer the birds a cooling respite.

“We have been doing this for the past four years,” says the state president of Progressive Techies, Anish Panthalani. “Bird baths can help keep their bodies cool, and remove dust and parasites.”

The initiative aims to spread the message through social media platforms. Participants are encouraged to post pictures of the water-filled pots placed on window sills or any uncrowded place, challenge five friends via social media to do the same, and use the hashtag #Birdbathchallenge.

“Likewise, a large chain can be formed to promote the humane cause. Our previous editions drew encouraging responses,” says Anish. At the recent launch of the campaign, environmentalist and writer Sreeman Narayanan distributed earthen basins to Infopark staffers. 

“We request those who take up the challenge to use only earthen basins; let this cause be plastic-free,” says a member of Progressive Techies, Anupdas K V. Participants can post their pictures on @progressive.techies