
Honey on the rocks

Jones Elish

KOCHI:  Honey has long been a beloved ingredient in cocktails, and its popularity only seems to be growing with time. One of the key reasons behind this enduring appeal is its incredible versatility as a sweetener. 

Bartenders around the world have been incorporating honey into their drinks for years, using it to add sweetness and balance to a variety of cocktails. From whiskey and bourbon-based cocktails to fruity and floral concoctions, honey has become a staple ingredient behind the bar.

Another exciting trend that has emerged in recent years is the use of locally sourced and special kinds of honey. Many bartenders are exploring the unique flavours and aromas that different kinds of honey can bring to the drinks. 

Honey like manuka or orange blossom is increasingly being used to add depth and complexity to cocktails, while also highlighting the regional flavours. Honey syrup is also quickly gaining popularity as a sweetener. 

Made by combining honey and water, this syrup is easier to mix into cocktails than straight honey and can be flavoured with various herbs, spices, and citrus fruits to add an even greater level of complexity to the drink. The trend of using honey as a substitute for cocktails has also increased. 

Many people are looking for healthier alternatives to sugar, and honey offers a natural, nutrient-rich option that still provides the necessary sweetness and balance to a drink. All in all, honey in cocktails is here to stay. With its versatility, unique flavours, and health benefits, it is no wonder that bartenders continue to experiment and find different ways to incorporate honey into their drinks. 

So next time you are out at a bar or trying your hand at mixing cocktails at home, be sure to keep honey in mind. Here are some of my favourite cocktails with this sweet ingredient.

The writer is the beverage head (south) at SOCIAL


Whiskey: 45ML 
Honey water: 25ML (Diluted honey on 1:1 ratio)
Coffee vermouth: 15ML  


Stir all ingredients in a mixing glass and pour it into a martini or Nick and Nora glass, and serve!


Gin: 60ML
Spiced honey water: 20ML
Citrus carbonated water: Top Up 


Stir Gin and spiced honey water with a lot of ice. Pour it into a high ball glass with ice and top it up with citrus carbonated water and serve!

How to make ‘Spiced Honey Water’

  • Dilute the honey with water on a 1:1 ratio 
  • Mildly roast all the spices (star anise, cardamom and cinnamon) 
  • Add them to honey water and store for 12hrs.