
Half-burnt currency notes found in south Kolkata locality


KOLKATA: Half-burnt currency notes of various denominations were found dumped in sacks in Kalighat area of the city on Sunday, police said.

The matter is being investigated, they said.

Eyewitnesses said the sacks, containing half-burnt notes of Rs 50, Rs 20 and Rs 10 were found in a dumpyard in Mukherjee Ghat locality at 4 pm.

Locals assembled at the spot and were seen rummaging through the wads of currency notes to find out if some of them could be used.

"I tried to retrieve some of the notes, but they seem to be of no use any more," a middle-aged man said.

Police said, a force from Kalighat police station went to the spot, cordoned off the area and collected remains of the half-burnt notes.

"We are talking to locals to track those who had dumped the notes and also trying to find out how they were burnt," a police officer said.