
Raman Srivastava’s new job a tough challenge

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THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: It may be an unexpected turn. Raman Srivastava, who is leaving for New Delhi to occupy one of the plum posts in the Home Department, will team up with a new Minister and most probably a new national security advisor. The new team is expected to give a fillip to the internal security of the country in the wake of unprecedented terror attacks and political turmoil.

Srivastava who has been appointed as Special Secretary, Internal Security, in the Ministry of Home Affairs is taking over the seat at a time when the nation’s security strategy is under scrutiny. He will take over the new post in a couple of days.

“It is going to be the toughest challenge in my career and I am prepared to take it up,” the 1973 batch IPS officer told to this website’s newspaper.

Srivastava has the rare distinction of being the first civil service officer in the state to get a note of appreciation from the State Government in the form of a Government Order.

“The commendable service of Raman Srivastava extends to a wide range of activities but special mention is to be made in the areas like maintenance of law and order, introduction of community policing, crime investigation and matters relating to internal security and communal harmony.

His leadership was a great boost to the entire police force,” says the GO issued by the Government recently.

As Special Secretary, (Internal Secretary), Srivastava will have supervisory powers over the law and order of the entire nation, direct control over policing in Jammu and Kashmir and North- East, matters pertaining to terrorism and drug trafficking involving Pakistan, communal violence, naxalite violence, extradition and granting security clearance to sensitive projects. He will be reporting directly to the Union Home Minister.

A native of Uttar Pradesh, Srivastava had been heading the Kerala Police for more than three-and-a-half years.

He was appointed overlooking the seniority of Upendra Verma and M.G.A.Ramen.

Srivastava who had held various key posts including that of Executive director (security) of ONGC was caught up in a controversy following his alleged involvement in the ISRO spy case in the 1990s. The case was dismissed as baseless by the Supreme Court later.


Jacob Punnose who has been appointed as new DGP will take over the post on Monday.

DGP Raman Srivastava will formally hand over the charge to Jacob Punnose at the Police Headquarters here at 9.15 a.m.