
Greetings cards by NISH

Express News Service

An exhibition-cum-sale of handmade greeting cards by students of the National Institute of Speech and Hearing (NISH) is on at the Kanakakkunnu Palace on December 3 and 4.

This being held on the sidelines of the on-going two-day national seminar on ‘the Multi-disciplinary Approach to Disability Management’ being organised by the Centre for Disability Studies at Poojapura as part of the International Day of Persons with Disability.

About 70 greeting cards, many of them Christmas and New Year greeting cards, are up for sale. The handmade ones, which have been painted by the Fine Arts students at NISH, cost ` 100 apiece.

“The one made using computer graphics are cheaper at ` 25,” said Anuraj R, a student of NISH.

These apart, there are on display paintings and sculptures out of rock and wood, also made by the students.