
Russian Festival concludes

Express News Service

Curtains came down the other day on the Russian Language and Literature Festival which has been on in the capital over the past three months.

Inaugurating the valedictory ceremony, Minister of State for Human Resources Development Shashi Tharoor said that cultural exchanges and translated works form the cornerstone of ‘People’s Diplomacy’, which today is needed most for world peace.

Russian language has influenced Indian writers to a great extent. The culture of a nation is reflected in its literature. Thus, by appreciating the literature of a nation, one can understand its culture, Tharoor said.

Fyodor Rozokovskiy, head of the cultural wing of the Russian Embassy, presided over the function.

The fourth Esenin Award, instituted by the Russkiy Mir Foundation and the Sergei Esenin Museum, Moscow, to perpetuate the memory of the lyrical poet, was presented to poet Rosemary on the occasion. She won the award for translating Russian poems to Malayalam. Russia’s honorary consul in Thiruvananthapuram Ratheesh C Nair was also present.