
KWA acts at last

Express News Service

Finally, the Kerala Water Authority (KWA) has taken action against the officer at the Sewerage section of Pattoor division, who has been allegedly demanding huge amounts as bribe for sanctioning sewerage connections. In an order issued late on Tuesday, C V Mathew, assistant executive engineer, sewerage sub division of Pattoor, was transferred to KUDP sub division, Kozhikode.

In a report titled ‘KWA: Several graft charges sinking,’ City Express had reported on the corruption in the section on November 30. Following the report, K Muraleedharan MLA had raised this issue in the Assembly recently. In reply to the submission, Water Resources Minister P J Joseph had promised against the official.  On Tuesday, KWA first issued an order transferring Mathew to the IT wing at head office and one John Koshy, who was assistant executive engineer at IT wing of head office, was  appointed as the new assistant executive engineer of Pattoor division. However, later, KWA cancelled the order and issued another one, where Mathew was posted to KUDP sub division in open vacancy.

 Mathew has been facing vigilance inquiry for quite a long time. Bahuleya Panicker, a contractor with the KWA, and a consumer Rajashekharan had filed complaints against him. In the complaints, it was alleged that Mathew had demanded Rs 30,000 from Panicker for checking his works. Mathew had allegedly demanded Rs 1 lakh for sanctioning sewerage connection for Rajashekharan’s flat. In his complaint, Rajashekharan had also alleged that Mathew had charged huge amounts as bribe for sanctioning sewerage connections for flats.

A vigilance inquiry was ordered following the allegations, the fate of which is unknown. Panciker had recently approached the Vigilance Director demanding a fresh probe into the issue.

 According to the complainants, most flats in the city lack sewerage treatment systems, as stipulated by the KWA.