
Jishnu Prannoy's mother arrested in front of Kerala police headquarters

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THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Tension prevailed near the State police headquarters after police forcibly removed and arrested Mahija, deceased Nehru college student Jishnu Prannoy’s mother who, with some others, attempted to stage a protest demanding the arrest of those responsible for Jishnu’s death.

Jishnu Prannoy, a student of Nehru College of Engineering, Thrissur was found hanging after alleged torture by college authorities. However, most of the accused have not yet been arrested.

Police had warned the protestors of arrest before they assembled at the headquarters at 10:15 am. Police told Jishnu's family that they could stage a protest 100 metres away, and assured to hold a discussion with them later.

However, Jishnu's family said they would continue with the protest. Even after most of the protesters were arrested, Mahija continued to lie on the road and resisted.

She was finally overpowered by women police personnel and taken away to Nandavanam police camp along with other protesters, who are all expected to be let off on bail.