
Kerala govt mulls study on social impact of land acquisition

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THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Taking into account the difficulties faced by people during land acquisition for major projects, the state government is coming out with a study on the social impact of land takeover and possible solutions.  The initiative is part of attempt to collect social responses and address the difficulties faced by the people during land acquisition for major projects.

If the road blocks are identified earlier that would help resolve the issue and speed up the developmental initiative. In the first phase, private agencies, organisations and individuals will be assigned with the task. 
The attempt is to ensure social cooperation and make land acquisition for major projects - which will bring development to a region and create many direct and indirect employment opportunities - people friendly. 
The Revenue Department has called for applications from organisations and individuals with prior experience in social  impact assessment.

 The study should be carried out based on the central legislation on land acquisition 2013. The reports should also contain suggestions on possible solutions to the identified issues. The government will set up a panel of applicants. More details are available at