
Into unknown realms

From our online archive

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: “It is my dream that human beings will one day live on other planets and come back to visit Earth covered in ice. Will you be part of the next space journey or sit at home?” asked the Director of Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC), S Somanath. World Space week celebration will be meaningless if it doesnot involve sci-fi ideas that could enthuse children and speakers like Somanath, who spoke at World Space Week (WSW) celebrations organised by the ISRO units at the Kanakakkunnu Palace on Wednesday, did exactly that.

Students of Government Higher
Secondary School and Medical
College inspect the model of
GSLV MK111 at Kanakakunnu
   B P Deepu

Students from various schools were among the audiance. Akash, Afsal, Soorya and Vidya along with their classmates all Plus One students of the Government Higher Secondary School, Medical College listened to the talks sititing in the last row in the hall. They may have lost half a day attending the talk by various scientists and the Chief Minister. But all seemed to have gained an inspiration to dream big for their career. If it has ignited their curiosity then the organisers have achieved a major motive behind WSW. 

Chief controller of Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Biju Jacob told children about the importance of dreaming big and the purpose with which one should choose a career in technology. He spoke about how a world mortified by world wars welcomed the scientific-fiction movie ‘Conquest of Space’ in 1955 and how the outlandish theme of the movie then about landing in Mars have become an old dream in the 21st century.

“The SpaceX founder Elon Musk discussed the futurist transport system in a speech in Australia last week. His idea of developing faster and cheaper transportation system connecting different parts of world is not impossible because we are living in a time when everything is possible,” said Biju. He quoted from the biography of Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, ‘Hit Refresh’. According to Biju, the Indian CEO addressed the existential trouble of the tech giant for its revival. He cleverly gave examples to make students choose a tech career that will make them problem solvers for society than an ordinary corporate job.

Director of ISRO Propulsion Complex, located at Mahendragiri, S Pandian told students about the technological revolution that made Whatsapp and multiple TV channels possible. He wished there would be many more Rakesh Sharmas and Kalpana Chawla when the country plans its trip to Venus.
VSSC Director K Sivan said space technology is connected to the life of every person in one way or the other. He explained various technologies developed by ISRO that made the country a leader in space.

CM lauds VSSC

Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan inaugurated the  World Space Week celebrations. He gave a lengthy speech lauding the efforts of ISRO and VSSC in particular. “In developing space technology India holds a strong place among  nations. VSSC located in the Southernmost corner of the country has a major role in the achievements,” he said.  He said it is important to encourage students to become space scientists in order to retain the country’s prowess.

Activities held as part of the WSW will help bring popular support to space programmes, ready students to science, bring international collboation in the field etc. He listed some of the space technologies that help fishermen, farmers, urban planners, administrators, doctors etc. The Chief Minister said the state will gain from joining Bhuvan, the country’s GIS (Geographic Information System) platform. The veteran leader ended his speech with a word of advice. “Are our throughts progressive enough for the time? There are some centres which drag us to the old superstitious ways. WSW can be considered as  addressing these tendencies as well.” he said.

Park for Kalam

Mayor VK Prasanth said corporation will construct a park in the memory of the former president and a project director at VSSC, A P J Abdul Kalam, at Thumba. “A park will come up at a vacant space before VSSC. Corporation has allocated money for the park and will start the work if we get permission from VSSC,” he said.

WSW commemorates two events; the launch of Sputnik 1 on October 4, 1957; and the signing of the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, on October 10, 1967. The UN General Assembly declared WSW will be held every year from October 4 to 10.