
Tiffany Brar of Jyothirgamaya Foundation gets Mindtree Helen Keller Award

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THIRUVANANTHAPURAM:  City-based NGO Jyothirgamaya Foundation’s Tiffany Brar was presented with the 19th National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People (NCPEDP)’s Mindtree Helen Keller Award. She was among 12 persons who were presented with the award during a programme conducted at the India International Centre Auditorium in Delhi, on the eve of World Disability Day. According to the organisers, the awardees were selected for their initiatives in promoting employment opportunities for persons with disabilities. 

Speaking on the occasion, Arman Ali, executive director, NCPEDP, said, “Tiffany’s Jyothirgamaya Foundation, which empowers the blind not only in her state of Kerala but also across the country had till date trained more than 300 blind people in activities of daily living, mobility, the realms of access technology and interpersonal skills.”  

He further appreciated the efforts made by Tiffany during the floods. “Despite being visually challenged she was in the forefront in collecting basic materials for the relief camps in Wayanad.” Talking on the occasion, Tiffany thanked NCPEDP for the award and said, “Jyothirgamaya Foundation was initially started as a mobile school on a small basis. We have come a long way since and we will strive to achieve our goal of providing employment and inclusion to people with disability.” The event was also attended by Minister of State for Human Resource Development Satya Pal Singh.