
Focus on the larger picture

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THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Gear up for a vibrant movie fiesta as the 12th edition of the International Documentary and Short Film Festival of Kerala (IDSFFK) begins in three theatres from Friday. This edition will celebrate the works of renowned film directors with a set of film packages featuring 263 short films and documentaries. Noted director Madhusree Dutta will be presented the Lifetime Achievement Award and her movies will be screened.

“The festival offers a tribute to filmmakers Agnes Varda and Jocelyne Saab, along with the screening of their movies. The movie 'Faces Places' by Agnes Varda will be screened for the first time in the country at the festival. Moreover, this time we have introduced a new category, the Non-Competition segment for Malayalam documentaries, where documentaries not part of the competition will be screened,” said H Shaji, deputy director of the festival.

The festival will be held at the Kairali, Sree, and Nila theatres from June 21 to June 26. The online delegate registration has started and offline registration can be done at the counter available at Kairali theatre.The festival will have a film package based on Madhusree Dutta's movies.

The movies such as the 'Scribbles on Akka' , 'Memories of Fear', 'I live in Behrampada', 'Made In India' and '7 Islands and a Metro' will be screened.The packages 'Cinema of Resistance' curated by Amrit Gangar includes 15 movies namely 'Burnt Books 6' by Saba Hasan; 'News of the Day' by Dominique Dubosc; 'Hong Kong Song' by Robert Cahen; 'The Quintet of the Astonished' by Bill Viola; and 'Reality Without a Name' by Sanskrit Chattopadhyay among others.

The film fest will also feature a set of Vietnamese shorts curated by Philip Cheah. The Doi Moi and Beyond will feature Vietnamese shorts. Other packages include 'The Archive as Memory' curated by Bina Paul and the 'Artists Cinema' package curated by C S Venkitesweran which will feature 23 movies.
A set of animation shorts will also be screened.

The movies will be screened in the following categories namely competition Short Fiction, competition Short Documentary, competition Long Documentary; competition Campus Film; Focus Short Fiction; Focus Short Documentary; Focus Long Documentary; Malayalam non-competition Short Fiction; Malayalam non-competition Long Documentary and Malayalam non-competition Short Documentary among others.

The delegate registration fees are pegged at Rs 400 for the public and Rs 200 for students.