
Adimalathura remains flooded

Steni Simon

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Every day, Joosa K, a resident of Adimalathura near  Vizhinjam, has to wade through a flooded road carrying the bags and shoes of his children aged nine and 13 up to the vehicle ferrying them to school. This is the aftermath of the heavy rain that lashed the district a few days ago and, as a result, the majority of houses are still flooded.

Describing their plight living in a waterlogged house, Joosa says, “This is our situation after every downpour. The water which gushed into our house some days back due to heavy rain hasn’t receded yet. We aren’t even able to use the toilet at our homes as it’s inundated with floodwater. Due to this, there is a stench in the air which is unbearable.” 

He adds, “Although this has affected our daily lives, we cannot wait for the water to recede. Since the schools have reopened and daily life is returning to normal, children have started going to schools and others for their respective jobs. However, everyone has to negotiate the flooded byroads to reach the main road.”

Joosa says, “The current drain network is about 40 years old and no major renovation work has been done ever since its construction. Although we approached the authorities concerned for its renovation, mere promises were made. Every time, there is flooding in the area, the authorities use the motor to pump out the floodwater. However, this is just a temporary solution to our problem.”

People living in more than 2,500 houses in Adimalathura and its adjoining areas have been facing the same ordeal. Binu Peter, another resident, says, “We have been living here for over 40 years and we are yet to get a proper drainage in the area. On both sides of the road, there is no drain system. The situation has become worse in the past couple of years.”

Adimalathura D Christudas, a social worker, says, “Though we have raised the issue before the authorities concerned, no action has been taken till now. Unless a proper study is done and a scientific solution is found, the situation will remain the same.”

What authorities say

Kovalam MLA M Vincent says, “Though Rs 3.5 crore was proposed some years back by the government for the project to construct a drain network from the beach road to empty the rainwater into Karaikal Canal, it never took off due to the opposition of the district administration. However, the proposal has been re-submitted and we hope to get a positive response. The two major reasons for continuing flooding of houses in Adimalathura region are: its topography and the unscientific construction of houses. Four pumps have been given from the MLA fund to pump out the water from the flooded houses.”Ambalathumoola ward member Asha B says, “Both Ambalathumoola and Adimalathura wards have 2,000 houses.

Due to the lack of a proper drainage, the houses are often left inundated during heavy rain. We have already discussed the issue with the ward member of Adimalathura and have approached the authorities concerned so that a scientific solution is found.” C Jerome Das, president of Kottukal grama panchayat, said, “The scientific construction of a drainage will help prevent flooding in the region. Water-logging in houses has also raised regarding the spread of vector-borne diseases like dengue and other communicable diseases in the region, especially amid the pandemic. However, steps are being taken to prevent the spread of any kind of such communicable diseases.